16 tammikuuta 2013

Talvi 2012-2013

Pastellisydämet fimosta. k 2cm x l 2cm.

Joulusukat. Punaiset säröhelmet koristeina. k 3,2cm x l 1,8cm.

Tiny Christmas tree
bout 1,5cm, twirly bit another 1,5cm. After taking the pic realized the right twirly bit was upside down, fixed it later but didn`t take a new pic... ;)

Nappikorvikset; piparminttu rusetit

CandyCane on leaf

Candycane & berries

Piparminttu ♥ 

Piparminttu muffinssit 

Piparkakku-ukot puraisulla

marjoja ja lehtiä

CandyCane hearts on leaves

CandyCane muffins

 Christmas cake slices with candycane on top

Strawberry cake with santa hat on top

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